Prins Hendriksoord, Den Dolder
16:00 – 22:00
During the so-called ‘Huiskamersessie’ at a beautiful Prins Hendriksoord, we will discuss specific and contemporary topics with a small group from different disciplines. This discussion will take place in a confidential and homely atmosphere, where the Chatham House Rules apply.
How finance can keep up with growth?
If a company experiences (rapid) growth it has a growing need to professionalise. The processes, structures and professionals that follow avoid that the company collapses under its growth. But this is also often the moment the company looses its entrepreneurial spirit. In this session we hear what finance needs to do to keep up with the growth at Netflix, but also how it does this in a way that is in accordance with the company’s DNA.
16:00 Reception
16:30 Start of Round Table Discussion with an introduction by Alexander Holland (Head of Finance Operations at Netflix).
18:00 Drinks & Dinner
Prins Hendriksoord
Soestdijkerweg 17
3734 MG Den Dolder
Contact us at stefaniegrimbergen@networkc.nl
This session is organized in collaboration with: