

Belgium meets the Netherlands

AB InBev 
Brouwerijplein 1, Leuven, Belgium

16:00 – 22:00


During the so-called ‘Huiskamersessie’ at the beautiful location, we will discuss specific and contemporary topics with a small group from different disciplines. This discussion will take place in a confidential en homely atmosphere, where the Chatham House Rules apply.

How ABInbev stays at the top and avoids complacency

It is one thing to get to the top, it is another to stay at the top. What are the challenges if a challenger becomes incumbent? How does ABInbev keep the mindset of a challenger and avoids complacency after becoming the absolute market leader? What that worked before needs to be done differently in the current phase of the company? How to get everybody on board with this? What are the things that made the company succesfull that should absolutely stay and what are the challenges in keeping them? What is the role of finance in this endeavour? After the introduction of Alexandre Pouille, VP Finance Europe AB Inbev, we discuss the complacencies that can take hold of your company and how you as CFO drive consistent high performance.


16:00                Reception
16:30                Start of Round Table Discussion with an introduction by Alexandre Pouille  (VP Finance Europe AB Inbev)
18:00                Drinks & Dinner

Round Table Location
AB InBev 
Brouwerijplein 1
3000 Leuven, Belgium 

Dinner Location 
Restaurant Zarza
Bondgenotenlaan 92
3000 Leuven, België

Contact us at stefaniegrimbergen@networkc.nl

This session is organized in collaboration with: