Fireside Chat

Inflation & supply chain disruption: the new normal?

Prins Hendriksoord, Den Dolder
16:00 – 22:00

Fireside chats

During the so-called ‘Fireside chats’ at the beautiful Prins Hendriksoord, we will discuss specific and contemporary topics with a small group from different disciplines. These discussion will take place in a confidential and homely atmosphere, where the Chatham House Rules apply.

Inflation & supply chain disruption: the new normal?

The last few years high inflation as part of supply chain disruption amongst the reasons have been a major concern for organisation. During this roundtable we want to discuss how we have dealt with this. And what the new normal will become and what this means for how and where we do business. How are we going to deal with an aging labor population? Is globalisation the answer or is localisation a better approach given increased geo-political turmoil? How more will prices have to increase to succeed with the climate revolution? How more societal unrest will this create and how to adress or balance this? How to balance what the long term requires with the short term goals and promises vs. shareholders and other stakeholders? In which way can tecnology help bridge above dilemma’s? And what are the new challenges as a consequence.


16:00                Reception
16:30                Start of Round Table Discussion with an introduction by Abhijit Bhattacharya (CFO Royal Philips).
18:00                Drinks & Dinner

Prins Hendriksoord 
Soestdijkerweg 17
3734 MG Den Dolder

Contact us at

This session is organized in collaboration with: