
Fireside chat

CFO meets non-executive director

Corinthia Brussels, Brussels
16:00 – 22:00

Fireside chats

During the so-called ‘Fireside chats’ we will discuss specific and contemporary topics with a small group from different disciplines. These discussions will take place in a confidential and homely atmosphere, where the Chatham House Rules apply.

Doing business in a volatile global market and political landscape

During this CFO meets non-executive director roundtable Etex CFO and Solvay non-executive director Mel De Vogue will share his view on a volatile global market and political landscape. What does he expect marco economically and geo politically in 2025 and beyond? How does he anticipate upon these expectations? What changes for him in his CFO role in a volatile period and how differently does he fulfill his non-executive role then? After his introduction of the discussion, we will share views and experiences


16:00                Reception
16:30                Start of Round Table Discussion with Mel de Vogue, CFO Etex and non-executive director Solvay
18:00                Drinks & Dinner

Corinthia Brussels
Rue Royale 103, Brussels
Belgium, 1000

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This session is organized in collaboration with: